5 Steps to Reduce Anxiety or Stress in the Moment

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Photo by Kasuma from Pexels

As our world continues to shift and the stressors of these shifts bombard our senses, methods to pay attention and take care of ourselves emotionally, mentally and physically are needed now more than ever. Below are five, simple and immediate ways to bring awareness, calm and shift our patterns when triggered by stressful and anxiety-provoking situations.

Stop and recognize we are triggered. Notice how we are feeling and the thoughts racing in our heads. Do not suppress, avoid, or resist. Name or say aloud ‘I am triggered and feel ______”. The moment we can recognize we are having a reaction to stress or anxiety, we can reduce the power of the trigger by turning our attention to our bodies. How is the body reacting to the trigger? Has our breathing changed? How is our heart rate? Where do we feel tightness or clenching? What are the physical manifestations of feeling triggered?

Continue to drop into the body and begin to sense all the things in the environment. What can we hear? Smell? See? Slow everything down and bring in the state of presence. Feel the feet firmly planted into the ground and imagine roots growing out of the feet into the earth and holding the body securely in place. Imagine the heart-expanding into all the spaces inside the body.  Place one hand on the heart and the other hand on the belly and begin to consciously SLOW EVERYTHING DOWN, and... 

Take steady, deep breaths in the ration of 1 to 2, meaning inhale for one count, exhale for 2 counts, or inhale for 3 counts and exhale for 6 counts. Every time we exhale, press the hands firmly into the belly and heart, all the while imagining the heart still growing and enveloping us in peace. The feet are still sprouting roots deep into the core of the earth.

Allow the body to do its job in finishing the anxiety cycle. This exercise is not about preventing anxiety or avoiding it. It’s about having awareness of what is happening when we are triggered and taking action to disengage from the mental triggers. We can notice the thoughts that may keep emerging and allow them to pass on by without attachment. Our body wants to find homeostasis by working through the fight or flight cycle, as opposed to resisting, suppressing, or numbing with avoidance patterns. Keep cycling through STOP, DROP, BREATHE—say them aloud if possible, like a mantra.

Our body can work through the chemicals of fight or flight and negative thinking by moving and changing our environment. Can we go outside? Can we go for a walk? Can we turn on some music and dance? Can we do some jumping jacks or swing your arms or shake our entire body loose? See Frederic’s Tips for more suggestions to change our physical, emotional, and mental state. 

Please note! These suggestions do not replace professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified physician or mental health counselor if your symptoms are persistent, debilitating, or cause harmful thoughts or actions towards yourself or others. 

Learn more about how to start your own gratitude practice in our guide.