
You have permission. Permission to not get it right today. Permission to not be perfect. Permission to not have all the answers. Permission to grieve, for as long as you need. You have permission to accept your whole self, even the squishy, aging parts, the parts you have not forgiven, the parts you’re afraid to acknowledge or see. You have permission to do nothing for an entire day, without guilt, without feeling like you wasted time. 

Time, our most precious gift. Time wasted is the time spent not loving ourselves, or others. Time wasted is the time we don’t pause to be kind, gentle and patient. Time wasted is the time we become blind to the abundance and grace that weaves itself into the canvas of our every day. Time screams rarity from moment to moment, saying “PAY ATTENTION!

Be here.” A shared smile, a ridiculous joke, your child’s laughter, a hug between friends, a donut with sprinkles, a kindness given. You have permission to see that wasted time lives in all the permissions not given, because somewhere we believe, mistakenly, that we have all the time in the world. We don’t.

Take time while you still have it. Remember the gifts time gives. Take notice. The permission is yours.

Learn more about how to start your own gratitude practice in our guide.