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The Gratitude Matrix


The depth of grateful living, to really feel it earnestly and consistently in our gut, bones, and heart, goes far beyond feeling fortunate. It means stepping out of self, out of the mind of busy and our entitled me, me culture and living within what I call the “Gratitude Matrix”.

The Gratitude Matrix is constructed by the infinite web of relationships, connections, and energy between humans, animals, insects, trees and plants, and the elements and energies that keep this web flowing-- earth, air, water, and fire. It means recognizing, and seeing on a regular basis, that without these relationships and connections, we unequivocally have nothing. When we understand fully that there is no separation between us and all the natural wonders around us, that everything is our relative, our family, we consciously awaken to the world around us and within. We see everything as a gift, a beautiful energetic flow that slows down for us because we are paying attention. 

When we understand fully that everything given to us is only borrowed, that what we see and have is not only life sustaining but temporary, the futility of judgement, scarcity, aggression, and hate becomes apparent. We see that the harm we do others is harm we do to ourselves. The kindness, generosity and good we do for each other, this planet, and all the living beings in it, is good we do for ourselves. Giving and acts of kindness becomes easier and without agenda, and we do it for the good of what needs to be done, what wants to be done.

It is a practice to see the Gratitude Matrix every day. We forget because we get caught in the artificial web of our human-made necessities. We forget because we get in the web of not enoughness. We spend so much time thinking, we impose much on ourselves in the name of expectation, society and its definition of a good and happy life.

Things get difficult and instead of further leaning into the Gratitude Matrix to keep us steady, we dive further into our thoughts, our fears and need to control and fix. We must be gentle with ourselves and each other. We must forgive ourselves and each other, and turn our attention back to the abundance that exists inside and outside of ourselves. Pockitudes was born for this reason. It’s why we encourage random acts of kindness and why we encourage slowness and stillness to pay attention to what (and why) we are grateful.

Eventually, it gets easier. Eventually, the Gratitude Matrix is revealed everywhere, in everyone, and in every little thing.

Learn more about how to start your own gratitude practice in our guide.